Terms of Use


JOAN’S ART CONNECT, LLC. LIABILITY WAIVER                                             

I understand that there are risks inherent in using tools, materials and navigating the facility at the above titled event or activity. Those activities could include actions or tasks which might be dangerous, hazardous to me and/or can cause risks to my belongings. I understand that the facilities at Joan’s Art Connect are considered a historical landmark with building flaws. I fully accept all financial responsibilities and that all risks and hazards incidental to my visit to Joan’s Art Connect including utilizing the facility restroom/staircase to the basement premises or outside sidewalk area are my responsibility.

Any and all consumption or usage of alcohol by a participant is wholly the participant’s own personal responsibility in the event of a BYOB activity. Underage drinking is absolutely prohibited and ID will be required when questionable.

By signing below, I hereby waive Joan’s Art Connect and its owner from any liability of injury, loss or damage to personal property associated with activities that I participate in. I agree to accept financial responsibility for the cost related to any emergency treatment, damage to personal property and give my confirmation of the same by signing this document. I also agree that any damage caused by myself or any member of my family, any guest or friend or person involved in my visit to Joan’s Art Connect is my financial responsibility. 

I/WE also give permission for Joan’s Art Connect, LLC. to take photos for use on the web, facebook and for any advertisement for the sole purpose of promoting the classes that I/WE have attended and future classes.         


Disclaimer***any readings are to be considered guidance only and are not substitute for medical, legal, relationship or financial advice. Joan Marangoni will not be held accountable or liable for any interpretations or decisions made by recipients based on information provided during readings. It is your responsibility with what you choose to do with the information. Thank you for honoring your loved ones and the Holy Spirit through your connections!

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